Meeting Minutes November 25, 1997

NOVEMBER 25, 1997

Town board meeting called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Miller. Present Miller, Wyzlic, Mihalek and Tetzner. Also present Bob Brander, Ed & Bea Pajala, Shirley Haugen, Joe Scholl, and Gary Maki.

First item, Dick Mihalek reported on LRIP opportunities. Two roads are possibilities to keep in the cost limits. Chequamegon Heights Road .24 mile and Scholl Road .25 mile. About $40,000.00 total cost, Town would pay half. Motion by Wyzlic and a second by Mihalek to apply for this project. Motion carried.

Chairman Miller reported on Equal Rights case with Brian Harvey. Also he reported on Town of Tripp plowing FR248 as needed.

Motion by Mihalek and a second by Wyzlic to adjourn Town Board Meeting. Motion carried.

Town meeting called to order. Above people all present. Reviewed budget and Local Levy.

Motion by Ed Pajala and a second by Bob Brander to approve a local levy of $35,825.00. Motion  carried unanimously.

Motion by Shirley Haugen and a second by Bea Pajala to approve highway expenditures of $244,991.00. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Wyzlic and a second by Mihalek to approve Bonding Resolution with County Treasurer. Motion carried.

Motion and a second to adjourn. Motion carried.

Philip E. Tetzner, Clerk