Meeting Minutes – Nov. 12, 2024

Town of Washburn

Bayfield County

Budget Hearing and Meeting of Electorates Minutes

November 12, 2024

Attendance: Sandy Raspotnik, Scottie Sandstrom, Lynn Adams, Lance Twombly, Mike Harvey, Steve Bade, Tim Schwenzfeier, and Nori Schwenzfeier. Virtually: Jim Park, Wendy Stein, Brenda Rechel, Ron Rechel and Kathleen Russell.

At 7:00 pm, the Budget Hearing was called to order by Chair Raspotnik. Road Crew member Matt Lippo could not attend.

Meeting notices were posted in the two public places, on the website, and sent to Ashland Daily Press.

Chairperson presented proposed budget in a new format. Treasurer displayed 2025 Budget sheet on the screen. Chair stated that the town does not have all levy information, but what comes in, goes out. Sandy then explained the increased town levy to cover snowplow truck and South Maple Hill loan payments and then the rest of the budget. Supervisor Sandstrom explained Gravel/Blacktop item in regards to the Wannebo Road Project and how the town came in under budget with efficiencies and cost savings from Northwoods Paving.

There were no questions or comments.

At 7:24, Scottie made a motion to adjourn the Budget Hearing, seconded by Jim. All Ayes, motion carried.

Then Chair Raspotnik called to order the Meeting of Electorates.

Chair requested from electors a motion to approve the Budget and Levy for 2025. Wendy Stein made a motion to approve the 2025 Budget and Levy, with a second from Mike Harvey. All Ayes, No Nays or objections. Motion carried.

Mike next made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Lynn Adams seconded. All Ayes, motion carried.

Town of Washburn

Bayfield County

Town Meeting Minutes

At 7:27, monthly town meeting called to order.

Meeting notices were posted in the two public places, on the website, and sent to Ashland Daily Press.

Public comments:

  • Tim and Nori Schwenzfeier requested the Board make a decision on dust abatement on Hove Lane to prevent future, unlivable conditions that occurred this summer.
  • Wendy Stein recommended the town put up a gate at the landfill.
  • Steve Bade commented on the town minutes regarding his handout not being scanned into them and the time it took to post the September minutes. He stated the Board has the authority to post weight limit signs and enforce them on town roads. He then commented on the town’s culvert construction and condition of Church Corner Road. He noted cold mix patch work is nice.

A motion to accept the agenda by Supervisor Park and seconded by Supervisor Sandstrom. All Ayes, motion carried.

Jim Park had two corrections for October minutes. Scottie Sandstrom made a motion to accept the corrections and the minutes for the three Special Meetings (Oct. 23, Oct. 30, and Nov. 11). Jim seconded. All Ayes, motion carried.

Chair report: Nothing to report.

Road Crew report: Mike stated there are weight limit signs on McKinley, Paulson, Wannebo, and FR251 roads. Posting did lessen impact. However, the town does not have the equipment to weigh trucks. Supervisor Park added that even if town had authority to issue citations there is no way to prove trucks are over-weight. There is no money in budget for Church Corner Rd. And Church Corner is still getting used due to County Hwy C being closed in the City. The county has bigger and better equipment to put in culverts. Culverts installed by town need to settle over time. County will compact culvert on Church Corner next year. Mike rode with Mitch from DOT to inspect roads after heavy use from city construction. Hove Ln is really hard packed now and wide. No ditches. The fill will be removed, ditches seeded and mulched, and two culverts fixed and cleaned out. Mike will follow up. On South Maple Hill Road rocks were removed and rough edges cleaned up by adding gravel. Water pump on tractor went out; new one ordered. Okay to purchase motor oil for $2500? Yes. Road to landfill will be closed by putting large rocks back. A motion by Supervisor Scottie and a second by Supervisor Jim to approve road crew report. All Ayes, motion carried.

Clerk update: 2024 General Election on Nov. 5th went well. Total of 113 Absentee Ballots (mail, email, online, and in-person), only two not returned. 401 overall voters. Folded absentee ballots caused a few paper jams in DS200 tabulator but cleared with no issues. Great election team. FOIA request for Election Day Registrations, sent to County since they have this information. Fleet card used at Napa for a fuel filter. Charged tax but should be corrected for next time. Working on Levy Limit Worksheet. A motion by Jim Park and seconded by Scottie Sandstrom to accept the clerk’s report. All Ayes, motion carried.

Treasurer report: Snowplow forms ready for Mike. Numbers are way down. Mike said that these can be done in a day. Bremer CD was reduced by $12,000 to bring it down to $100k and placed into an 8-month CD, double interest. $12k placed in savings account. Chair asked to keep track of maturity dates for CDs. Financial reports to Board and Clerk. A motion by Jim and seconded by Scottie to accept the treasurer’s report. All Ayes, motion carried.

Plan Commission: Kim Bro not at meeting, nothing to add.

Dust Abatement: The town is considering purchasing applicator equipment to spray beet juice, ranging from a few hundred dollars to $11,000. More expensive equipment is faster, more efficient and only requires one person. It can also be used to water roads for grading and for calcium chloride which town does not want to use. Mike will see if there is any equipment in the area to test. He also has personal equipment he can test for a day project next spring. Mike will also check to see if the town could potentially pay someone to spray roads. Supervisor Park asked if commercial operators causing the dust could share the cost? They could charge the customer for dust mitigation. No decision was made and will be placed on next month’s agenda.

Appointing Election Officials: Sandstrom made a motion to approve Ruth Hartzell, Cheryl Sandstrom, Hallie Sandberg, Sarah Tetzner, Christina Eliason, Caroline Twombly, Lynne Borchers, and Mike Vavrus as Election Officials for next year, seconded by Park. All Ayes, motion carried.

Adoption of Budget and Levy for 2025: Jim made a motion to adopt the Budget and Levy for 2025, Scottie seconded. All Ayes, motion carried.

New Computer: No, Treasurer will keep her computer.

Policy/Procedures: Chair sent out. Will discuss next month.

Items for future agendas: Dust abatement, approve employee contracts, discuss policy/procedures. Supervisor Park asked about digitizing old minutes. Volunteers?

Authorize payment of bills: Motion to approve Check Details for Oct. 9-Nov. 12 made by Jim Park and seconded by Scottie Sandstrom. All Ayes, motion carried.

At 8:36 pm, a motion to adjourn was made by Supervisor Sandstrom and seconded by Supervisor Park. All Ayes, motion carried. Meeting adjourned.


Lance Twombly, Clerk