Meeting Minutes – May 14, 2024

May 14, 2024

Attendance: Sandy Raspotnik, Scottie Sandstrom, Jim Park, Lynn Adams, Lance Twombly, Mike Harvey, Matt Lippo, Caroline Twombly, and Wendy Stein (virtually).

Board of Review Meeting called to order at 1900 hrs by Chair Raspotnik. Verification of proper public notices to adjourn the meeting to September 17, 2024, since additional time is needed. Supervisor Sandstrom made a motion to adjourn meeting to 9/17/24 at 1900 hrs. Supervisor Park seconded. All Ayes, motion carried. Board of Review meeting adjourned at 1901 hrs.

At 1901 hrs., town meeting called to order by Chair Raspotnik

Meeting notices were posted in the public places, website, and published in the Daily Press.

Public comments: Wendy Stein had concerns about mowing at the old town landfill and invasive species. She recommended area should be mowed late June, early July. Chair put this issue on agenda for next meeting.

A motion to accept the agenda by Supervisor Park and seconded by Supervisor Sandstrom. All Ayes, motion carried.

Motion to accept last month’s minutes by Supervisor Sandstrom and seconded by Supervisor Park. All Ayes, motion carried.

Clerk update: Quarterly reports submitted. Payroll ongoing and payroll taxes completed. Paying bills and learning approval system from Treasurer. Researching new version of Quickbooks since our version will lose support at the end of the month. Submitted SLFRF report (federal covid funds). Election training. Raised a concern about Records storage. Logistics of outsourcing payroll with timecard approval, checks, and direct deposit if town goes that route. Inquired about IT support. And will be gone May 27-June 8. A motion by Jim Park and seconded by Scottie Sandstrom to accept the clerk’s report. All Ayes, motion carried.

Treasurer report: All balanced. Snowplow bills went out. Only 12 bills this year, about $1700 total. Two bills paid through taxes from last year. Question from Choice Title on any special assessments? None. Motion to approve treasurer report by Sandstrom and seconded by Park. All Ayes, motion carried.

Road Crew report: Matt Lippo is mowing, clearing, and learning a lot and likes it. Dealing with some equipment issues but getting through it. Mike Harvey stated Matt is doing well. Brevak pit looks like it will not be used and Bob Olson’s on Hove Lane will be used instead. Mailbox sticking out too far on Wannebo. Tractor should cost no more than $5000 to fix, even though challenging with age and finding parts. Renting one may be an option but will hold off for now. Inspection results for grader came in. Some work can be done in-house. Motion to not exceed $20,454.51 for grader repairs by Supervisor Sandstrom, seconded by Supervisor Park. All Ayes, motion carried.

Road updates: Working on crowning roads that had their sides cut down. Culvert sleeve on Chequamegon Heights, hold off till next month to check budget. Treasurer and clerk will work on this. A motion by Jim Park and a second by Scottie Sandstrom to accept road crew report. All Ayes, motion carried.

Chair report: Date for road inspections set for June 4, 2024 at 0830 hrs. No Enbridge grant. Mike Sherry from Holden Insurance will be invited by Chair to talk at next meeting, or one after. May 18, 2024, is Dumpster Day at Barksdale. Supervisor Sandstrom asked about interest in attending an EMS provider webinar. No interest since City of Washburn provides that service. Motion to accept Chair’s report by Supervisor Park and seconded by Supervisor Sandstrom. All Ayes, motion carried.

Motion to approve Tim Schwenzfeier for another three years on Plan Commission by Chair Raspotnik, Supervisor Sandstrom seconded. All Ayes, motion carried.

Box blade: Request from Road Superintendent Harvey for this equipment item to help maintain roads. Costs about $3000. Wait till next month for the budget update.

Q&A page for website: Jim Park will look into adding more information to town website to help residents understand how town government works and some related WI statutes.

Online document storage: Park will research options that provide easy access to present and future Board members and town officials. Must be secure and affordable. Usually, these services provide a cost for a certain amount of storage space. Supervisor Park will also investigate a password manager for town employees.

Accounting practices: Clerk will get quotes for outsourcing payroll from Maitland Singler & VanVlack and Ehlers & Pierce. Motion to approve Clerk to purchase Quickbooks Online and using personal credit card, if needed, prior to end of month by Supervisor Park. Seconded by Sandstrom. All Ayes, motion carried.

Wannebo Road Project: Bid went out today. If more than 5%, does the town still want to move ahead? State law goes to lowest bid. Town can reject, at a cost. Hopefully, the bid will come in lower.

Hiring Policy: Long discussion on background checks and wordsmithing policy. Mike, Matt, and Lynn released at 2126 hrs. Board finalizing policy. Crafting application will be next step.

Next month’s agenda: Hiring policy, box blade, Wannebo bids, mowing, and technology.

Motion to authorize paying bills by Jim Park, seconded by Scottie Sandstrom. All Ayes, motion carried.

At 2155 hrs, motion to adjourn made by Supervisor Sandstrom and seconded by Supervisor Park. All Ayes, motion carried.



Lance Twombly, Clerk