Meeting Minutes March 4, 1997
MARCH 4, 1997
Special Town meeting of the electors called to order at 7:00 P.M. Board members present Mihalek, Carlson, Miller, Tetzner, Chapman. Also listed below. Class 2 timely notices were properly posted in the Daily Press.
Cat. Prices- $173,800.00 to boot, all wheel drive.
Deere Prices -$140,000.00 to boot, all wheel drive
Heard comments and questions from people in attendance concerning purchasing a new grader. Both for John Deere and Caterpillar. Fuel consumption, trade-in value, and long term comparison of operating costs.
Motion by Ed Pajala and a second by Dale Brevak that the Town Board be authorized to purchase a new grader. Motion carried. No “no” votes.
Motion by Barb Bitzer and a second by Bob Pratt to adjourn special meeting. Motion carried.
Philip E. Tetzner, Clerk
MARCH 4, 1997
Regular Town Board meeting called to order at 8:10 P.M. Present Mihalek, Carlson, Miller, Tetzner, and Chapman. Also people present at Special meeting.
Minutes of February 11, 1997 written copies were given to Board Members and read. Motion by Miller and a second by Carlson to accept. Motion carried.
Motion by Carlson and a second by Miller to accept Treasurers report. Motion carried.
Ed Pajala commented on more visible Town meeting notices. The Town Board will also put notices in the County Journal.
There was Board discussion on purchasing either a Cat or John Deere grader. Motion by Miller and a second by Carlson to postpone decision until 7:30 March 18th. Motion carried. Time to gather more information on fuel consumption, and long term operating costs.
Discussed Town employees petition to join Operating Engineers Union. Motion and a second to postpone decision until April meeting. Also Health Insurance decision.
Motion by Carlson and a second by Miller to grant David and Susan Hall a permit to build a residence in the NE NW Sec 34-49-5 and remove temporary residence in two years. Motion carried.
Motion by Miller and a second by Carlson to grant Dean Dardwin a permit to build a residence in the NE NW Sec 17-48-5. Motion carried.
Motion and a second to pay all current Town bills.
Motion and a second to adjourn.
Philip E. Tetzner, Clerk
People present at both meetings:
Ed & Bea Pajala Bill Mihalek
Joe Scholl Ken Swanson
Shane Wyzlik Shirley Haugen
Matt Edmund Kris Edmund
Bob & Barb Bitzer Timm Retzloff
James Deeth Robert Pratt
Dale Faulkner Dale Brevak
Roy Settgas Derek Brevak
Joe Schomburg Steve Bade
Brian Harvey David Hall