Meeting Minutes March 11, 2003

MARCH 11, 2003

Regular meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. Present Tetzner, Ewer, Mihalek, Cook, and Chapman. Also Gary Maki, Jim Deeth, Kerry Tetzner, Mark & Cathy Morey, Joe Scholl, John Hartzell, Joe Groshek & Harrison Demorest.

Meeting notices were properly posted in three public places in the Town and published in the Daily Press.

Minutes of February 11, 2003 were read and written copies given to Board Members. Motion by Cook and a second by Ewer to accept. Motion carried.

Donna gave Treasurer’s report. Reported on transfers to another bank for checking. Will do further checking on Northern State Bank. Reported tax collections done.

Gary gave his report. Buying sand and more salt. Also need replacement for Dodge truck. Possible chance to buy County trade in from local garage. Possible cost, less than $4,000.00. Also need for a lot of patch blacktop this year. Motion by Ewer and a second by Cook to accept his report. Motion carried.

Town Board gave Gary authority to look into purchasing a different truck.

Dick Mihalek presented #2003-02 All Terrain Vehicle Ordinance. He explained working with Larry Loch in drafting it. Motion by Ewer and a second by Cook to repeal old ATV ordinance 1999-02. Motion carried. Motion by Cook and a second by Ewer to adopt ordinance 2003-02 as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Ewer and a second by Cook to purchase signs and posts for ATV travel at a cost of about $1,200.00 total.

Chairman read communications from Bayfield County Administrator.

Kerry Tetzner and John Hartzell presented ATV map with old routes, proposed new routes, and roads not open.

Received revised draft of Bayfield County Land Use Plan. Copy will be on file at Town hall.

Received Engineering report on Maple Hill from Tom Cogger. Copy on file.

Received petition from Joe Groshek signed by 15 residents asking that Chequamegon Heights Road not be opened to ATV’s. Barksdale portion is open. Copy on file. Some of residents signing were from Town of Barksdale and City of Washburn.

Chairman received letter from Phil Freeman and Wendy Stein. Copies were given to Members.

Board Motion and a second to pay all current Town bills.

Motion and a second to adjourn.

Philip E. Tetzner, Clerk