Meeting Minutes June 2, 1988

JUNE 2, 1988

Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. Present Pajala, Sorenson, Michalik, Tetzner, and Slusser.

Minutes of May 5, 1988 were read. There being no additions or corrections it was moved and 2nd that they be accepted as read. Motion carried.

Motion by Sorenson 2nd by Michalik to authorize the Chairman to sign a holding tank agreement for Richard Barry to build in Sec 11-48-5. Motion carried.

Motion by Michalik 2nd by Sorenson to approve ambulance contract for one year for $1500. with city of Washburn. Motion carried.

Motion by Sorenson 2nd by Michalik to grant Signa Groves of C-Side Inn a Class B combination liquor and malt beverage license for $150. Motion carried.

Motion and 2nd to pay all current town bills.

Motion and 2nd to adjourn.

Chairman Pajala reported that Larry Badura asked if his daughter could get work with the town on the blacktop project.

Philip E. Tetzner


Link to Original Minutes for 1988