Meeting Minutes July 30, 1991

JULY 30, 1991

Special informational meeting on Sioux River Bridge called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Pohlman. He introduced Dave Pantzlaff of Ayres Engineering and turned it over to him.

Dave Pantzlaff and Jan Zander, Ayres Associate engineers presented the Sioux River Bridge and approach plan. Green T5 preferred plan. Cost about $196,600.00. Town share $26,500.00 and County share $26,500.00. Other costs strictly for Town: Right of Way and Utility moving costs.

Lance Burger of D.O.T. was also present. He also went along with this Green T5 plan and presented views from D.O.T. standpoint.

Motion by Haugen and a second by Retzloff to adjourn. Motion carried.

Philip E.Tetzner, Clerk

People Present:

Philip E.Tetzner                                      Wilmer Pohlman
Timm Retzloff                                          Ken Carlson
Anders Hokanson                                    Ed Pajala
Dave Pantzlaff-Engineer                        Jan Zander-Engineer
Shirley Haugen                                        Jim Miller
Tom Cogger                                              Lance Burger-D.O.T, Rep.