Meeting Minutes July 22, 1997

JULY 22, 1997

Special meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. Present Miller, Mihalek, Wyzlic and Tetzner. Also Leland Harvey and Don Haugen.

Meeting notices were properly posted in the Daily Press and three public places in the Town.

Discussed road weight limitations due to heavy pulp hauling from National Forest over local Town roads.

Discussed Forest Road #697 with North 1/4 mile located in Town of Bayview. Town of Bayview 1/4 mile has a bad mud hole that Bayview won’t fix. Will contact Bayview Chairman.

Motion by Mihalek and a second by Wyzlic to pay 75% of Health Insurance and employee pay 25%. Motion carried with all ayes.

Motion by Mihalek and a second by Wyzlic to continue to pay 6% of total pay towards retirement. Motion carried with all ayes.

Discussed wording of employment ad and job description for recruiting new Town employee. Copy on file. Will place first ad in Saturday July 26 Daily Press. To run four times in Press and one time in County Journal.

Motion and a second to adjourn.

Philip E. Tetzner, Clerk