Meeting Minutes January 8, 2002

JANUARY 8, 2002

Regular meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. Present Tetzner, Mihalek, Ewer, Cook and Chapman. Also Gary Maki, Joe Scholl, and Ed & Bea Pajala.

Meeting notices were properly posted in three public places in the Town and published in the Daily Press.

Minutes of December 11, 2001 were read and written copies given to Board members. Motion by Ewer and a second by Cook to accept.

Donna gave her Treasurer’s report. Motion by Cook and a second by Ewer to accept. Motion carried.

Reviewed Paul Kacvinsky’s tree damage claim of September 8, 2001. Investigation found no substantial evidence for this claim. Motion by Ewer and a second by Cook to deny claim. Motion carried. Because of this claim there was a motion and a second to request a written, signed, damage waiver from Paul Kacvinsky before any more snowplowing is done on his property. Copies to Town crew and Town Clerk. Motion carried.

Received letter from Ed Pajala concerning blacktopping Pajala road. Motion by Ewer and a second by Cook to review and place on February agenda. Motion carried.

Jamie Cook presented written copies of Paser report and explained the rating systems.

Gary gave his report. Equipment repair, snowplowing, Trip program on target, and wiring Town hall. Motion and a second to accept report. Motion carried.

Discussed snowplowing of Town driveways, pros and cons. Will discuss further at future meetings.

Motion and a second to pay all current Town bills.

Motion and a second to adjourn.

Philip E. Tetzner, Clerk