Meeting Minutes January 10, 2012
January 10, 2012
Regular Board meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.. Present: Bruce Hokanson, Kerry Tetzner, John Hartzell, Steven Tetzner, Donna Chapman, Mike Harvey, and Joe Scholl.
Meeting notices were properly posted in the three public places and published in the Daily Press.
Meeting minutes from the December 13, 2011 meeting were read and written copies given to the Board members. A motion by John Hartzell and a second by Steven Tetzner to accept as presented. Motion carried. All ayes.
Donna gave Treasurer’s report. A motion by Steven Tetzner and a second by John Hartzell to accept report. Motion carried. All ayes.
Mike Harvey gave crew report. He talked about prices on a RD spreader, $32942.00, Plow truck plow, $10,139.00 and a post on wing for $5219.00. They will continue cutting brush along the roads, with everything else going well. A motion by Steven Tetzner and a second by John Hartzell to accept report. Motion carried. All ayes.
A discussion on projects this year were, Church Corner Road-chip sealing and fixing wedging, Culvert on Brevak Road, crushed gravel and crushed black top on Bjork Road.
A motion and a second to pay all current bills.
A motion and a second to adjourn.
Kerry Tetzner, Clerk