Meeting Minutes February 12, 2003
FEBRUARY 12, 2003
Special Town Board meeting called to order at 7:12 P.M. Present Tetzner, Mihalek, Cook, and Ewer. Also list at end.
Meeting notices were properly posted in three public places in the Town and published in the Daily Press. Committee members in attendance Kerry Tetzner and John Hartzell.
Motion by Ken Ewer to open all Town roads according to plan presented by committee for a one year trial term. Motion seconded by Jamie Cook. Some of these roads to be left closed by request. All aye votes. Motion carried . Roads open have to be signed. Roads not signed are closed.
Motion and a second to adjourn.
Philip E. Tetzner, Clerk
People present:
Kathleen Russell (Spoke against) Patsy Tetzner Wendy Stein (Spoke against)
Kerry Tetzner (Spoke for & Committee Member) Joe Tetzner Joe Groshek (Spoke against)
John Hartzell (Spoke for & Committee Member) Kurt Kiehne Ruth Hartzell
Cathy Morey (Spoke for some being open) Scott Nesvold Jim Steffenson
David Hall (Spoke against Maple Hill South) Dave Cook Chuck Groves
Susan Hall (Spoke to table at this time) Dick Mihalek Mark Morey
David R. Lewis (Spoke to put on referendum) Jim Deeth Chuck Bodam (Spoke for)
Kent Seldal (Spoke against) Gary Maki Tom Cogger (Spoke against)
Steve & Hallie Sandberg
Phil Freeman (Spoke to table at this time, not against being open to local people)