Meeting Minutes Feb. 11, 2025

Town of Washburn

Bayfield County

Town Meeting Minutes

February 11, 2025

Attendance: Sandy Raspotnik, Scottie Sandstrom, Jim Park, Lance Twombly, Brenda Rechel, Ron Rechel, Bob Peterson, Nancy Peterson, Tim Schwenzfeier, and Bill Bailey. Virtually: Lynn Adams, Mike Harvey, Kim Bro, Wendy Stein, Alan Waite, and Amy Simpkins.

At 7:00 pm, the town meeting was called to order.

Meeting notices were posted in the two public places, on the website, and sent to Ashland Daily Press.

Public comments:

  • Bob Peterson commented that he called Norvado and was told that the Town Chair told (Norvado) to go (build out fiber lines) to the north instead of west. Chairperson Raspotnik said that she did not say this and has not talked to Norvado. Asked Bob to call them about this and let her know. Chair will also call Norvado to check into this matter.

A motion to accept the agenda by Supervisor Park and seconded by Supervisor Sandstrom. All Ayes, motion carried.

Scottie Sandstrom made a motion to approve the January minutes. Jim seconded. All Ayes, motion carried.


  • Clerk report: Clerk now has access/control of email and Microsoft account. Still no access to (Google account). And limited access to, old emails. Levy audit by WI Dept. of Revenue submitted by sending information on town’s two loans. A W2 was sent out with an error and is pending correction by Quickbooks. They have 20 days (Feb. 17th). 2025 Spring Primary on Feb. 18th. Voting machines tested on Sat, Feb. 8th. 31 Absentee Ballots out, so far. 2025 Spring Election is on April 1st. Clerk asked for assistance filling out Nonmetallic Mining Permit (town’s sand/gravel pit). And then asked if the board had a plan for clerk replacement. Chair said there is no plan.
  • Treasurer report: Financial reports submitted to board members. There needs to be a budget change with two DNR PILT fund accounts and combine into one. Taxes are done after Feb. 7th grace period. Newsletter link sent out. Treasurer will return Feb. 26th.
  • Road Crew report: Mike stated 2015 plow truck is up and running. Loader tires: Mike called three places. One place did not seem interested. Others were Zifko’s and Al Dennis in Michigan. Zifko quote was $9,283.28 with an off-brand, unknown tire. Dennis from Mi was $10,340.00, but offered known, brand tires with better tread. Installation included in both quotes. Justification/explanation for new tires: current tires are not snow rated, used for pit work, and there have been three operators that have experienced sliding backwards on public roads. New tires will prevent this safety issue. Motion to purchase tires from Al Dennis (MI) for $10,340.00 made by Sandstrom, seconded by Park. All Ayes, motion carried. Equipment list to include attachments was handed out. Chair will create a digital list. Jim suggested adding pictures of each piece. Chair suggested adding mileage/hours and life expectancy for each as well.
  • Chair report: Talked with Gerry Shutte from City of Washburn about landfill. Shutte stated they will level off clay that is there and will add rye seed. There might be free clay from new housing area project. Still plan on putting up a gate. Chair talked with Bob Olson about planned work this year. Not much. He’s “thinking about hanging it up.” He’ll let Mike know if there are any projects. Supervisor Sandstrom had a question about watering costs and sharing. Chair was asked if there could be a paragraph about each candidate (for Spring Election) on the website. Scottie said that Wisconsin Towns Association told him that town resources cannot be used for campaigning. Jim suggested leaving it up to the candidates. So, that is what board will do.
  • Motion to approve reports made by Sandstrom and seconded by Park. All Ayes, motion carried.

Plan Commission: Kim Bro stated that the draft Comprehensive Plan is on the website. For the March 6th Hearing, commission will have a 20-minute presentation, with Town Board present. One more meeting is possible if revisions are needed. Kim will post the notices.

DOE ERA Grant presentation: Bill Bailey, Cheq Bay Renewables, and Amy Simpkins, muGrid Analytics, gave a handout and talked about the town’s upcoming solar project and overview of the entire area projects. 30 microgrid projects with 4 phases through 2030. Understand funding concerns, but business as usual until told not to execute. Funding has been obligated and allocated. Town’s simpler, more straightforward build-out likely in 2026, otherwise 2027. Total Project Cost: $122,718. Federal share: $96,582. Town share: $26,137. Elective Pay Tax Credit: $26,137. Bailey believes this is the highest risk for the town if the tax law is changed before project completion. The town will then have to pay $26k without tax credit reimbursement. Other issues were discussed about EV charging, payments, monitoring, and tax filing.

Review Insurance Coverage: Mike Sherry, from Holden Insurance, could not make it tonight. Be here in April to explain insurance.

Town Purchasing Resolution: Supervisor Sandstrom brought up current Purchasing Policy and some confusing wording. He will work on amending.

Norvado Fiber Optic Project: Sandstrom gave an update on Norvado Fiber Optic buildout in Bayview and Town of Washburn. Eastern side of town was Phase 1, completed. Norvado received funding for the rest of town buildout and will start this year, potentially as early as mid-May.

Notice of Disallowance of Payment claim from Brightspeed: A wire was damaged on Paulson Rd in February 2023 during normal snow removal operations around a culvert. Chair Raspotnik wrote letter denying claim. Rural Insurance, town’s insurance company at that time, will fight if there is a lawsuit. Filing deadline was missed from Brightspeed (120 days). Motion to send letter of disallowance to Brightspeed made by Supervisor Park, seconded by Supervisor Sandstrom. All Ayes, motion carried.

Posting Annual Meeting Minutes: Jim Park asked if town can post a draft copy of the Annual Meeting minutes a short time after meeting since they won’t be approved until next year’s meeting. Motion to post Annual Meeting minutes shortly after the meeting as a draft until approved made by Jim, seconded by Scottie. All Ayes, motion carried.

Annual Newsletter: Newsletter will include Road Updates, Internet options (Norvado and Bayfield Wireless), Budget form, Comprehensive Plan update, posting old minutes on website, solar project, and Spring Election. Articles in by March 11th and newsletter sent out either March 18th or 25th. April 8th is the town meeting and April 15th is the Annual Meeting.

Items to be placed on future agenda: Purchase Policy Resolution and Newsletter.

Authorize the payment of bills: Motion to authorize payment of bills January 15th through February 11th made by Scottie Sandstrom and seconded by Jim Park. All Ayes, motion carried.

At 8:30 pm, a motion to adjourn was made by Supervisor Park and seconded by Supervisor Sandstrom. All Ayes, motion carried. Meeting adjourned.

Lance Twombly, Clerk