Meeting Minutes December 4, 1991

DECEMBER 4, 1991

Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. Present Pohlman, Retzloff,  Haugen, Tetzner and Chapman. Also present Ron Bartholomew Bill Mihalek, Jim Hedrick, Dave Slusser, Charles Groves, Joe Scholl,  and Carol Nevala.

Minutes of November 6, 1991 were read and copies given to board members. Motion by Retzloff and a second by Haugen to accept. Motion carried.

Donna Chapman presented her Treasurer’s report. Motion by Haugen and a second by Retzloff to accept. Motion carried.

DNR personnel concerning ATV trails and snowmobile trails, did not show up. Charles Groves, Ron Bartholomew, Joe Scholl and Dave Slusser discussed our present ordinance and Town of Bayview ordinance .Two roads are not on our present ordinance, McKinley and Ondossagon. They would like these two roads included.

Carol Nevala appeared concerning the Town purchasing right of way on the West and North side of Sioux River Bridge from her.  .61 acre for $300.00. Motion by Haugen and a second by Retzloff to purchase from Carol Nevala and her brothers and sisters, .6l acres located in the SESE Sec 34-49-5 for $300.00. Copy of purchase agreement on file. Motion carried.

Jim Hedrick and Bill Mihalek made a presentation on a John Deere 2755 tractor and Terrain King Big Boom Mower. Offered price $36,300.00 outright. Will give $1500.00 for our 8N Ford and Mower. Net $34,800.00.

Motion by Retzloff and a second by Haugen to lease purchase this John Deere 2755 Demo tractor with Terrain King 21 foot Big Boom Mower with five foot head, trading in the Ford tractor and mower for a to boot price of $34,800.00. Also included is free use of a backhoe to dig out fuel tanks. Motion carried.

Motion by Haugen and a second by Retzloff to pay all bills possible by end of year. Also to do any repair work needed by end of year. Motion carried.

Motion by Haugen and a second by Retzloff to pay Allan Weertz $250.00 to purge and haul away three empty fuel tanks. Motion carried.

Discussed project on Sioux River Bridge .

Discussed snow storms and problems associated with plowing and equipment breakdowns.

Motion by Retzloff and a second by Haugen to approve resolution furnishing bond to County Treasurer, covering all State and County taxes. Motion carried.

Motion and a second to pay all current Town bills.

Motion and a second to adjourn.

Philip E. Tetzner, Clerk