Meeting Minutes December 10, 2002
DECEMBER 10, 2002
Regular meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. Present Mihalek, Tetzner, Chapman, Tetzner, Ewer, and Cook. Also Gary Maki.
Meeting notices were posted in three public places in the Town and published in the Daily Press.
Minutes of November 12, 2002 were read and written copies given to Board Members. Motion by Cook and a second by Ewer to accept. Motion carried.
Donna gave Treasurers report. Motion by Ewer and a second by Cook to accept. Motion carried.
Chairman Mihalek read letter from Northwoods Paving with them agreeing to look into Engoe Road paving job in the spring. Also read from WI Towns Association newsletter about snowplowing private drives.
Dick Mihalek gave Clerk authority to appoint 2003 Election Board.
Gary Maki gave his report. Graveling, brushing, no snowplowing yet. Motion by Cook and a second by Ewer to accept. Motion carried.
Discussed request from Rey Pady from zoning office for building permit. Will table until Dick Mihalek can look into it further.
Majority of people were present because of proposed change in ATV ordinance. Several people spoke both for and against opening all Town roads to ATV travel. No action was taken.
Motion by Ewer and a second by Mihalek that Clerk have authority to pay end of year bills to be in compliance with State Highway Aids formula. Motion carried.
Motion and a second to pay all current Town bills. Motion carried.
Motion by Mihalek and a second by Ewer not to pay more than one half of Northwoods Paving bill on Engoe Road by end of year. Motion carried.
Motion and a second to adjourn.
Philip E. Tetzner
People present:
John Hartzell Joe Groshek Scott Nesvold
Garit H. Tenpas Jim Steffenson Jerry Haugen
Mark Morey Cathy Morey David R Lewis
Susan Lewis Phil Freeman Wendy Stein
Jim Deeth Joe Scholl Nancy Hanson
Jim Tetzner Roy Settgas Dave Cook
Bob Adams Charles Groves Darlene Neff
Roger Neff Halley Sandberg Steve Sandberg
Joyce Zifko Matt Tetzner Don Richardson