Meeting Minutes December 1, 1988

DECEMBER 1, 1988

Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. Present Pajala, Sorenson, Michalik, Tetzner, Slusser and Jim Miller. Also Leland Harvey.

Minutes of November 2, 1988 were read .There being no additions or corrections it was moved and 2nd they be accepted as read. Motion carried.

Jim Miller and Ed Pajala reported on landfill progress recycling, committee meetings findings, Bayfield and Ashland posticpoton.

Election workers named by town chairman for 2 year term.
Al Chapinski               Rosie Bartholomew                     Janice Blakily
Dorothy Slicer            Diane Tetzner
Elaine Guske               Wilmer Pohlman

Motion and 2nd to appoint. Motion carried.

Discussed Ambulance service by City of Washburn. Cost to town would increase $1,000-to-$2,500. per year. Discussed donation for ambulance department for defribulater. Decided to wait till future date.

Discussed hazardous waste material on Robert Sorenson property in town of Washburn. Chairman read letter from DNR on this matter written by Hazardous Waste Specialist. Tom Kindzierski.

Discussed dog license fees to be returned by County.

Motion by Michalik 2nd by Sorenson to set Caucus date for January 21, 1989 Saturday at 2:00 P.M. Motion carried.

Motion and 2nd to pay all current town bills.

Motion and 2nd to adjourn.

Philip E. Tetzner


Link to Original Minutes for 1988