Meeting Minutes – Dec. 10, 2024

Town of Washburn

Bayfield County

Town Meeting Minutes

December 10, 2024

Attendance: Sandy Raspotnik, Scottie Sandstrom, Lynn Adams, Lance Twombly, Mike Harvey, Steve Bade, Tim Schwenzfeier, Nori Schwenzfeier, Kim Bro, Eric Adams, Charly Ray, and Jan Lee. Virtually: Jim Park, Wendy Stein, Alan Waite, and Kate Stolp.

At 7:00 pm, there were technical issues with online meeting.

7:09 pm, issues resolved and meeting called to order.

Meeting notices were posted in the two public places, on the website, and sent to Ashland Daily Press.

Chairperson Raspotnik introduced Charly Ray and Jan Lee from the Bayfield County Board.

Public comments:

  • Steve Bade read a statement. Thanked the board for their service and apologized for last month’s meetings comments. Stated, “We agree on more than we disagree.”
  • Nori Schwenzfeier expressed concern about dust mitigation on Hove Lane. Cited Wisconsin statute regarding “fugitive dust,” who is responsible and enforcement.
  • Tim Schwenzfeier added salt is ineffective with mass hauling on Hove Lane. Projects should take responsibility and cover costs. Mike Harvey added that Northwoods Paving takes responsibility for a pit road in Highbridge.


A motion to accept the agenda by Supervisor Sandstrom and seconded by Supervisor Park. All Ayes, motion carried.

Scottie Sandstrom made a motion to accept the minutes for the November 12th meetings. Jim seconded. All Ayes, motion carried.


  • Clerk report: Levy Limit Worksheet and Statement of Taxes submitted to WI Department of Revenue, with help from Lynn Divine. Nomination papers due by 5pm on Jan. 7th, 2025. Clerk needs a dedicated phone number, either a line that transfers to a personal number or a town government cell phone. Personal number should not be posted for elections, in newspaper, on website, etc. Board should consider increasing clerk salary at least $1,000/year. QuickBooks is selling their Plus package which can do budget tracking for $99/month, first three months half-off. Also, they offer Live Assisted Bookkeeping for $50/month, first three months 50% discount. Board said no to Plus but can try Bookkeeping for $25 for first month.
  • Treasurer report: Financial reports sent out to Board members. Reconciling issues that required a journal entry for $27 over. Taxes going out. Higher. Chippewa Valley CD is $126,000 and matures on Jan. 4th. Can be renewed at 4.89%. Board approved renewing CD.
  • Road Crew report: Mike reported that window in loader was replaced for $600 and will not submit an insurance claim. Looked at 10 culverts, basically, the same. Sandy requested a priority list on these culverts. Mike continued stating that the rocks were put back at the landfill, no gate. Snowplowing operations have started. 2015 plow truck still having issues. Hove Ln update: Hoffman Construction will come back in spring to fix. This was approved by Mitchell from DOT. Good to follow up and the town should try to prevent this in the future.
  • Chair report: Nothing to report. Scottie added that Project Prosperity, the large solar project in Bayfield County, is in the design phase and will be looking for public input in January.
  • Motion to approve reports made by Sandstrom and seconded by Park. All Ayes, motion carried.

Welcome County Board members Charly Ray, County Supervisor District 4, and Jan Lee, Bayfield County Board member. Introduced themselves and gave an update on the Zoning Comprehensive Plan (being a hot topic with zoning code revisions), Emergency Medical Services (on verge of collapse), and changing the designation of Apostle Islands National Lakeshore to National Park (local areas not in support). Zoning survey will be on town’s website.

Plan Commission-Public Participation Plan: Kim Bro requested the Board approve the Public Participation Plan resolution. Also asked for Facebook users to like and share the Town of Washburn Photo Challenge and spread the word. Public Hearing will be on Thursday, March 6th, 2025. Motion to approve Public Participation Plan Resolution (2024-1) made by Jim, seconded by Scottie. All Ayes, motion carried. Resolution signed by Chair, Sandy Raspotnik, and Clerk, Lance Twombly.

Dust Abatement on Hove Lane: Sandy had a conversation with Bob Olson and there’s a new product called Durablend that is similar to calcium chloride with less leaching. More expensive. Discussion on calcium chloride, Durablend, and beet juice. City of Washburn will let Mike use their sprayer to try beet juice. Mike is researching spraying equipment for town. Scottie made a motion to open floor, Jim seconded. All Ayes, motion carried, floor open for discussion. Out of this discussion, the consensus is to purchase town equipment, communicate with Bob, and spray water. And try to pass this cost onto sand pit customers. Supervisor Sandstrom made a motion to purchase a pump and duckbill sprayer for up to $2,000 and to set up a meeting in March with Bob Olson to discuss work plan. Supervisor Park seconded, all Ayes. Motion carried. Sandstrom then made a motion to close the floor, seconded by Park. All Ayes, motion carried, floor closed.

Development of Policy Book: Chair commented that red writing (text) in draft are ideas and posed the question: “Who do we serve?” Topic moved to next meeting.

Approval of Road Crew Contracts: Jim Park made a motion to approve Road Crew Contracts, seconded by Scottie Sandstrom. All Ayes, motion carried. Scottie then made a motion to begin the new pay scale on December 28th, 2024, with a second from Jim. All Ayes, motion carried.

Previous (Old) minutes placed on website: Moved to next meeting.

Items to be placed on future agendas: Policy book, archiving minutes on website, clerk salary, clerk phone, and solar project.

Authorize the payment of bills: Motion to approve Check Details for Nov. 13-December 10 made by Scottie Sandstrom and seconded by Jim Park. All Ayes, motion carried.

At 9:15 pm, a motion to adjourn was made by Supervisor Sandstrom and seconded by Supervisor Park. All Ayes, motion carried. Meeting adjourned.



Lance Twombly, Clerk