Meeting Minutes BOR June 10, 1991

JUNE 10, 1991

Present Phil Tetzner, Assessor, Timm Retzloff, Shirley Haugen and Larry Roy. The Board of Review convened at 5:00 P.M. It was decided that Timm Retzloff would chair the Board of Review and Shirley was appointed Clerk.

Affidavit in Assessment roll was signed. Larry Roy was appointed and sworn in. Bill Pohlman, Town chairman, was unable to attend. Open book session was conducted from 4:00 to 5:00 P.M. Sharon St Germain, June and Elmer Wilbur and Douglas Anderson had appeared at the open book session.

The Board reviewed the 1991 Assessment roll.

Douglas Anderson was sworn in and presented a completed Form of Objection to chairman Retzloff. Mr. Anderson was objecting to the $4,000.00 valuation placed on the land. A lengthy discussion of values followed. The general consensus was that the land value of the Anderson’ s was $4,000.00 and that the value should stay at $4,000.00. Motion by Timm and a second by Larry Roy. Motion carried.

Ed Pajala was also present and inquired as to the policy of assessing 40’s. He asked that the Board check with the Department of Revenue regarding how the State values property.

Timm Retzloff next asked that he be off the Board for the record while he checked some values.

Ed made another suggestion that we get someone from the Department of Revenue to come and sit with the Board to explain values.

Break taken at 6:55 P.M.

Timm came back into the meeting.

Board of Review adjourned at 9:00 P.M. Motion by Shirley Haugen and a second by Larry Roy.

Shirley Haugen
Board of Review Clerk