Meeting Minutes August 6, 1991

AUGUST 6, 1991
Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. Present Pohlman, Retzloff, Haugen, Tetzner, and Chapman. Also Leland Harvey.

Minutes of July 2 & July 11, 1991 were read and written copies  given to Board members. Motion by Retzloff and a second by Haugen to accept as read. Motion carried.

Donna Chapman presented the Treasurer’s report. Motion by Haugen and a second by Retzloff to accept. Motion carried.

Discussed unpaid personal property tax of two individuals. Motion by Retzloff and a second by Haugen that Timm Retzloff write a letter to parties involved, informing them payment will be due by September 1, 1991 or it will be turned over to small claims court. Motion carried.

Discussed installing new fuel tanks and removing old ones. Advised Leland Harvey to contact a certified electrician for wiring and proceed with removing old tanks legally.

Discussed damage on McKinley Road blacktop from heavy traffic. Will post it and Town crew will proceed with repairs.

Received check from Bob Moniza for sand taken from Wannebo Pit.

Discussed plans for handicap entrance at Town hall. Will let bids to get idea of costs. Bids to be in by September 5, 1991 Town meeting.

Motion and e second to pay all current Town bills.

Motion and a second to adjourn.

Philip E. Tetzner, Clerk