Meeting Minutes – April 9, 2024
Minutes Town of Washburn, Bayfield County – April 9, 2024
Attendance: Sandra Raspotnik, Jim Park, Scottie Sandstrom, Lynn Adams, Mike Harvey, Matt Lippo, Lance and Caroline Twombly, Jack Benson. Online: Gina Park, John Hartzell, Randy Shaw, Steve Bade, Wendy Stein, Kathleen Russell. Kim Bro.
-Meeting called to order by Chairperson Sandra Raspotnik at 7:12 pm.
-Verification of proper public notice at Tetzners, Town Hall and website.
-Public Comment: Steve Bade wanted on record an appreciation to Kerry Tetzner for all of his hard work over the years as Clerk.
-Sandy suggested that we remove items 11 and 12 from the agenda since they were on the Emergency Meeting agenda and add information about EMS in that spot. Motion to accept agenda by Jim with changes. Scottie seconded. Motion passed.
-Scottie made motion to accept minutes to meetings held March 26th, March 12th and the Emergency Meeting on April, 9th . Jim seconded it. Motion passed.
-Treasurer report given by Lynn Adams. Scottie moved to accept the treasurer’s report. Jim seconded. Motion passed.
-Road Crew report given by Mike Harvey and Matt Lippo. Jim made a motion to accept road crew report, Scottie seconded. Motion passed.
-Chair report given by Sandy. Jim made motion to accept the chair report. Scottie seconded. Motion passed.
-Kim Bro gave Planning Commission report.
-Insurance: Sandy gave out proposals for town insurance. One from Rural Mutual Insurance and one from Holden Insurance. Sandy made a motion that we change insurance from Rural Insurance to Holden for the amount of $14948.00. Jim seconded. Discussion followed about the price difference and Scottie hopes nothing was missing in Holden Insurance since it was so much less. Scottie said we should have had more discussion on the insurance decision. Motion passed: 3-0. Sandy will get Rural Mutual to return the check that was sent for renewal.
-Hiring Policy: Scottie made a motion to open the floor to Jake Benson during this discussion. Jim seconded. Motion passed 3-0. A proposed policy was presented for discussion. Discussion will continue in May.
-Annual Meeting Agenda: 7 pm, April 16 at Town Hall. Discussion on what will be brought up at this meeting.
-EMS Discussion: Sandy is on committee and gave a report. Sandy moved that the Town of Washburn send letters to our representatives opposing the increase of hours needed for training of EMS volunteers. Jim seconded. Discussion followed. Motion passed. 3-0.
-Road Grader: Mike started a discussion on the road grader. It is at 6000 hours now. The Town could hire McCoy for $1500 to inspect, and make recommendations so it could be fine tuned Scottie made a motion that the McCoy company come and find out what is needed to keep the grader going. Jim seconded. Motion passed 3-0.
-Agenda items for future meeting written down by chair.
-Payment of bills: Jim made a motion to pay the bills, Scottie seconded. Motion passed 3-0.
-Adjourn: Scottie made motion to adjourn at 9:05 pm.
Submitted by
Lynn Adams
Town of Washburn Treasurer