**DRAFT** Annual Meeting Minutes April 16, 2024

** Draft ** Town of Washburn Annual Meeting **Draft**

April 16, 2024

Note: These annual meeting minutes are a draft copy and have not yet been approved. This will happen at the next annual meeting in April 2025.

At 1900 hrs, the Annual Town Meeting was called to order by Chair Sandy Raspotnik. Chair acknowledged and thanked attendees (36 total). Due to this decent turnout, Chair had everyone introduce themselves.

First order of business was to approve minutes from last year’s meeting. Kate Stolp made a motion to approve minutes and Jim Miller seconded. Motion was approved by all Ayes.

Second order of business was introductions from new, temporary clerk, Lance Twombly, and new Road Crew employee Matt Lippo.

Third order of business was for Board to give highlights and updates for projects from previous year and upcoming ones.

Supervisor1 Scottie Sandstrom gave an update on the following:

  1. Upcoming Wanebo Rd project. Plan was to pave from Chequamegon Heights to Ondossagon Rd. Bid is over $200,000, which is too high so paving will be 1.5 miles from Chequamegon Heights to ½ mile past Bjork Rd. Possibly more if bid comes in lower. Meeting on bid will be on Tuesday, May 14th with WI DOT. Project is planned for mid-summer to this fall.
  2. A grant between Washburn and Barksdale for $55,000 will be used to pave Engoe Rd one mile east of Bjork Rd to ½ mile west.
  3. Another grant with US Forest Service will pave road from Pajala Rd to FR251, Long Lake. More gravel on the rest of road. Bids will be out shortly.
  4. Another possible project will be to replace a culvert on Church Corner Rd, north of County C.
  5. Continued crack sealing throughout township.
  6. Broadband is improving in the Town with options from Bayfield Wireless and Norvado. Public Wi-Fi at Town Hall provided by Bayfield Wireless. Norvado received a grant last month to run Fiber to the Home for the rest of the town, the eastern part of Town completed last fall. Looking at over one year out due to fiber being manufactured in Japan with one year processing time. So, late 2025 at the earliest.

Supervisor2 Jim Park gave an update on the solar grant for the town with a PowerPoint presentation. This is a project with the Department of Energy and Wisconsin to promote sustainable energy in remote areas. Solar array will be next to town garage with batteries and an electric vehicle (EV) charging station. Array will provide 12kw with battery backup, essentially a stand-alone micro-grid. Total cost is $119,488.00, with grant covering 80%. Town will need to cover $24,552.00. However, the available tax credit would then cover the town’s cost so this would result in $0. Contract negotiations will occur this year with construction in summer of 2025 and 2026. The system is guaranteed to run for 10 years. Town was fortunate to have project approved out of the number that were submitted.

Question from town member on EV charging payment. Board is not sure yet how that will work.

Kim Bro gave an update on the Town Plan Commission. Comprised of five town members with Supervisor2 Park as town representative. The current plan is from 2007 and needs to be updated. Focus on plan is to maintain rural character with emphasis on clean water, forests, etc. Future land use must comply with the plan. Bayfield County now has a plan. Town could adopt that plan or create its own. Monthly meetings will continue, all town members are welcome. Commission will hire a planning professional in fall to bring to town at end of winter this year.

Chair Raspotnik informed town members that the Town will no longer be working with the current building inspector and will change to a new inspector. For now, Town is using the Bayfield County inspector.

Fourth order of business is to open meeting to town questions.

  • Is Planning Commission collaborating with other towns? Bro: Town could adopt county plan or use a smaller version of it (a Brochure Plan) if it suits us. Or Town could make its own full plan. Town supports the City of Washburn’s comprehensive plan.
  • Are plans online? Bro: Yes, Bayfield County Zoning department. Town of Washburn 2007 plan is on the website. (Supervisor1 Sandstrom mentioned the Bayfield Co. Business Park by Ashland Ford Chrysler dealership to isolate commercial zoning there.)
  • Would the plan support home-based businesses? Yes.
  • Will the sandpit on McKinley Rd be opening? Yes, for construction occurring in the City of Washburn, beginning mid-May. Heavy truck traffic from 0700-1900 hrs., loads coming and going. Waste soil and clay will be dumped, no hazardous materials. Contractor is liable for damage to road and state will enforce. Construction scheduled for this year, 2024, with a year break (2025) and finish in 2026. Road Supervisor Mike Harvey will contact contractor to make them aware of pets in the area.
  • Concern about dust mitigation on Priest Rd. Road Supervisor will investigate alternatives, possibly recycled black top.
  • Will Norvado fiber optic cover everybody in town? Yes, that is the understanding of Supervisor1 Sandstrom. Contact Norvado regarding your address.
  • Question on why Bayfield Wireless is pushing their service in this area if Norvado will be available? Bayfield Wireless was supposed to provide service for all areas with poor service. Another member mentioned T-Mobile Home Internet as an option. And another stated that all the companies are coming here at the same time. Overall, lots of improvements and options for faster internet. One member super appreciative of Norvado’s service. And another member stated how the internet is not a utility, like power and telephone, yet. But all present understand how critical fast, reliable internet is today.
  • Former town clerk, Kerry Tetzner, read a personal statement expressing his disagreement with the current Board’s operating procedures and highlighting his 21-year career with town government. This led to a discussion and questions regarding the following:
    • Are the Treasurer and Clerk part of the Board? According to Supervisor2 Park, who was referencing WI statute, the Board is comprised of the Chair and Supervisors, not the Treasurer and the Clerk. The Treasurer and Clerk have no vote on motions.
    • Can the public comment during Town monthly and special meetings? Chair Raspotnik stated that the public can only comment during public comment periods. Monthly (and special) meetings are for the Board to conduct Town business. Public is welcome to attend and view these meetings. A town member equated this to a school board meeting.
    • Is there a time limit for individual public comments? The Town does not have a policy on this.
    • Can specific individuals be talked about in public forums? Currently, the town does not have a policy regarding this matter.
    • What is Wisconsin Towns Association? It’s an association of all member towns in WI and provides guidance and help on conducting town business. www.wisctowns.com

No further questions or comments.

Chair set next annual meeting on April 15, 2024 at 1900 hrs. Need motion to adjourn.

Mike Harvey made a motion to adjourn and Kim Bro seconded. Motion approved with all Ayes.

Meeting adjourned at 2013 hrs.

Those present:

In person:

Sandy Raspotnik                                          Scottie Sandstrom                                       Jim Park

Lynn Adams                                                   Lance Twombly                                             Mike Harvey

Matt Lippo                                                      Caroline Twombly                                        Cheryl Sandstrom

Kerry Tetzner                                                  Patsy Tetzner                                                  Luke Mattson

Bob Mattson                                                  Joyce Zifko                                                      Trisha Miller

Kate Stolp                                                       Darlene Neff                                                  Charmaine Swan

Jim Miller                                                         Steve Tetzner                                                  Sarah Tetzner

Bob Short                                                        Roy Settgas                                                    Bob Gross

Kim Bro                                                            Kitty Crawford                                                Alex Prediger

Kathy Woyciechowski                                 Tom Woyciechowski                                    John Eliason

Christina Eliason


Wendy Stein                                                   Kathleen Russell                                          Ron Rechel

Brenda Rechel                                               Monique Mattson