Meeting Minutes December 14, 2004

DECEMBER 14, 2004 Regular meeting called to order at 7:00 P.M. Present Kerry Tetzner, Mark Morey, Tom Cogger, Phil Tetzner, and Donna Chapman. Also Gary Maki and John Hartzell. Meeting notices were properly posted in three public places in the Town and published in the Daily Press. Minutes of November 9, 2004 were read and…

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Meeting Minutes November 9, 2004

NOVEMBER 9, 2004 Budget Hearing called to order at 6:30 P.M. Present Kerry Tetzner, Phil Tetzner, Mark Morey, Tom Cogger, Donna Chapman and Gary Maki. Budget Hearing notice and Elector Town meeting notices were published in the Monday October 25, 2004 Daily Press and posted in three public places in the Town. Timely notices. Motion…

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Meeting Minutes October 12, 2004

OCTOBER 12, 2004 Regular meeting called to order at 7:00 P.M. Present Phil Tetzner, Mark Morey, Kerry Tetzner, Tom Cogger, Donna Chapman and Gary Maki. Also Ruth Oppedahl, Cathy Morey, Steve Bade, and Ted May. Meeting notices were properly posted in three public places in the Town and published in the Daily Press. Minutes of…

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Meeting Minutes September 16, 2004

SEPTEMBER 16, 2004 Regular meeting called to order at 7:00 P.M. Present Kerry Tetzner, Philip Tetzner, Tom Cogger, Mark Morey, Donna Chapman and Gary Maki. Also Dick Mihalek, Nancy Hanson, Mark McGinley, and John Hartzell. Meeting notices were properly posted in three public places in the Town and published in the Daily Press. Minutes of…

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Meeting Minutes August 10, 2004

AUGUST 10, 2004 Regular meeting called to order at 7:00 P.M. Present Kerry Tetzner, Mark Morey, Phil Tetzner, Tom Cogger and Donna Chapman. Also Gary Maki, Ed & Bea Pajala, Cathy Morey, Gary Morzenti, and Marv Nevala. Meeting notices were posted in three public places in the Town and published in the Daily Press. Minutes…

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Meeting Minutes July 13, 2004

JULY 13, 2004 Regular meeting called to order at 7:00 P.M. Present Mark Morey, Kerry Tetzner, Phil Tetzner, Tom Cogger, and Gary Maki. Also John Hartzell, Cathy Morey, Marv Nevala, Pat Hennesay, Suzi Misun, and Ron Michael .Meeting notices were properly posted in three public places in the Town and published in the Daily Press.…

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Meeting Minutes June 8, 2004

JUNE 8, 2004 Regular meeting called to order at 7:00 P.M. Present Kerry Tetzner, Mark Morey, Phil Tetzner, Donna Chapman, and Tom Cogger. Also Gary Maki, Cathy Morey, John Hartzell, Shirley Haugen, Wendy Stein, Andy Okey, Dave Cook and Mark McGinley. Meeting notices were properly posted in three public places in the Town and published…

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Meeting Minutes BOR June 7, 2004

BOARD OF REVIEW JUNE 7, 2004 Board of Review called to order at 6:00 P.M. Members present Tom Cogger, Kerry Tetzner, Mark Morey, and Phil Tetzner, Assessor. Meeting notices were properly posted in the Town and published in the Daily Press at least 15 days before this meeting. Assessment notices were deposited in the mail…

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Meeting Minutes May 11, 2004

MAY 11,2004 Regular meeting called to order at 7:00 P.M. Present Phil Tetzner, Mark Morey, Tom Cogger, Kerry Tetzner, and Donna Chapman. Also Gary Maki, Tom Siroin, Cathy Morey, John Hartzell, Art Hyde, Kurt Kiehne, Bob & Marcia Pratt, Ed & Bea Pajala, Tom Simon of Rural Insurance, and Sue O’Halloran from Land Use Planning.…

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Annual Meeting Minutes April 13, 2004

TOWN OF WASHBURN ANNUAL MEETING MINUTES – APRIL 13, 2004 Annual meeting called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Mark Morey. Minutes of April 8, 2003 were read. Motion by John Hartzell and a second by Kerry Tetzner to accept. Motion carried. 15 aye votes, no – No votes. Discussed Leafy Spurge spraying. Mark…

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