1997 Minutes
Meeting Minutes June 3, 1997
JUNE 3, 1997 Regular Board meeting called to order at 6:30 P.M. by Chairman Miller. Present Miller, Mihalek, Wyzlik, and Tetzner. Also Leland Harvey, Brian Harvey and Ed Pajala. Meeting notices were properly posted in the Daily Press and three public places in the Town. Minutes of May 6, 1997 were read and written copies…
Read MoreMeeting Minutes May 22, 1997
MAY 22, 1997 Special Town meeting called to order at 8:00 P.M. Present Miller, Wyzlik, Mihalek, and Leland Harvey. Absent Brian Harvey. M Meeting notices were properly posted in the Daily Press and three public places in the Town. Chairman Miller explained purpose of meeting. Motion by Mihalek and a second by Wyzlik to go…
Read MoreMeeting Minutes May 6, 1997
MAY 6, 1997 Regular meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. Present Mihalek, Wyzlik, Miller, Tetzner and Chapman, Also Ed Pajala, Leland Harvey, Rick Westling and Rita Benz. Minutes of April 3, 1997 were read and written copies given to Board Members. Motion by Wyzlik and a second by Mihalek to accept. Motion carried. Donna…
Read MoreAnnual Meeting Minutes April 8, 1997
TOWN OF WASHBURN ANNUAL MEETING MINUTES – APRIL 8, 1997 Annual meeting called to order at 7:04 P.M. by Chairman Mihalek. Minutes of April 9, 1996 were read. Motion by Ed Pajala and a second by Robert Pratt to accept as read. Motion carried. Discussed 1996 audit report. Motion by Ed Pajala and a second…
Read MoreMeeting Minutes April 3, 1997
APRIL 3, 1997 Regular meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. Present Carlson, Mihalek, Miller, Tetzner, and Chapman. Also Shane Wyzlik, Ed Pajala, and Johanna Mihalek. Minutes of March 4, and March 18, 1997 written copies were given to Board Members and read. Motion by Miller and a second by Carlson to accept as read.…
Read MoreMeeting Minutes March 18, 1997
MARCH 18, 1997 Special Town Board meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. Board members present Mihalek, Miller, Tetzner, and Carlson. Also people listed below. The purpose of the meeting is to decide which grader to purchase. Meeting notices were properly posted in the Daily Press and three public places in the Town. Motion by…
Read MoreMeeting Minutes March 4, 1997
MARCH 4, 1997 Special Town meeting of the electors called to order at 7:00 P.M. Board members present Mihalek, Carlson, Miller, Tetzner, Chapman. Also listed below. Class 2 timely notices were properly posted in the Daily Press. Cat. Prices- $173,800.00 to boot, all wheel drive. Deere Prices -$140,000.00 to boot, all wheel drive Heard comments…
Read MoreMeeting Minutes February 11, 1997
FEBRUARY 11, 1997 Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Mihalek. Present Mihalek, Miller, Carlson, Tetzner and Chapman. Also Jim Hedricks of Ison, Shane Wyzlic, John Warren, Bill Mihalek, Liz Sockness and Leland Harvey. Meeting notices were properly posted in the Daily Press and three public places in the Town. Minutes of January…
Read MoreMeeting Minutes January 14, 1997
JANUARY 14, 1997 Regular meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. Present Carlson, Tetzner, Mihalek, and Miller. Also Brian Harvey, Leland Harvey, Shane Wyzlik, Michelle Tutor, and Charles Bodam. Absent Chapman. Meeting notices were properly posted in the Daily Press and three public places in the Town. Minutes of December 10, 1996 were read and…
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