1994 Minutes
Meeting Minutes December 5, 1994
DECEMBER 5, 1994 Regular Town meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. Present Retzloff, Mihalek, Tetzner, and Chapman. Also Leland Harvey and Bob Pratt. Absent Faulkner. Meeting notice was properly posted in the Daily Press and three public places in the Town. Minutes of November 8 and 14th written copies were given to Board Members.…
Read MoreMeeting Minutes November 28, 1994
NOVEMBER 28, 1994 Special Town meeting called pursuant to Section 60.12 (1) (C) of Wisconsin Statutes by the Town Board. Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. Discussed changing from Caucus to Nomination papers for placing people on Town Ballot for April 1995 Election. Motion by Mihalek and second by Tetzner to go to nomination…
Read MoreMeeting Minutes November 14, 1994
Public hearing on proposed budget called to order at 7:00 P.M. Meeting notices were published in Press and posted in three public places in the Town. Present Ed & Bea Pajala, Timm Retzloff, Dick Mihalek, Frank Faulkner, Phil Tetzner, Donna Chapman, Roy Settgas, Jim Miller, Robert Pratt and Andy Okey. Main discussion and comments were…
Read MoreMeeting Minutes November 8, 1994
NOVEMBER 8, 1994 Regular meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. Present Retzloff, Mihalek, Tetzner, and Chapman, Frank Faulkner on speaker phone. Also present Ed & Bea Pajala, Janet Carlson, Tim Schwenzfeier, Ron Leino, Andy Okey Shirley Haugen, Keith Tveit, and Tony Murphy. The meeting was properly posted in the Daily Press and three public…
Read MoreMeeting Minutes October 4, 1994
OCTOBER 4, 1994 Regular meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. Present, Retzloff, Mihalek, Tetzner, and Chapman. Also Leland Harvey. Absent Faulkner. Meeting notice was properly posted in the Daily Press and three public places in the Town. Minutes of September 12, 1994 written copies were given to Board members. Motion by Mihalek and a…
Read MoreMeeting Minutes September 12, 1994
Sept. 12, 1994 Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. Present Mihalek, Retzloff, Tetzner, and Chapman. Also Tim Schwenzfeier and Leland Harvey. Absent Frank Faulkner. Notice of meeting was properly posted in the Daily Press and three public places in the town. Minutes of Aug. 8 and Aug. 22 written copies were given to Board…
Read MoreMeeting Minutes August 22, 1994
AUGUST 22, 1994 Timm Retzloff, Dick Mihalek, and Phil Tetzner met with Paul Wetzel of Monarch Paving at 5:00 P.M. to review roads to be blacktopped. Meeting was properly posted. Will blacktop 3 miles Ondossagon Rd from Engoe to Dean’s Corner. Wannebo Rd from Dean’s Corner to Church Corner and East 1 mile on Wannebo…
Read MoreMeeting Minutes August 8, 1994
AUGUST 8, 1994 Regular meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. Present Retzloff, Tetzner, Mihalek, and Chapman. Absent Faulkner. Also present Leland Harvey. Meeting was properly posted in Daily Press and three public places in the Town. Minutes of July 12, 1994 written copies were given to Board members. Motion by Mihalek and a second…
Read MoreMeeting Minutes August 2, 1994
SPECIAL MEETING AUGUST 2, 1994 Blacktop bid opening meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. Present Retzloff, Faulkner, Mihalek, and Tetzner. Also Wayne Nelson of Roffers Construction. The meeting was properly posted in the Daily Press and three public places. Bids for blacktopping were received from: Monarch Paving Company $25.59/ton Angelo Luppino, Inc. $25.91/ton Motion…
Read MoreMeeting Minutes July 12, 1994
JULY 12, 1994 Regular meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. Present Retzloff, Mihalek, Tetzner and Chapman. Absent Faulkner. Also present, Ed & Bea Pajala and Don Haugen. Meeting notices were properly posted in three public places and the Daily Press. Copies of June 6, 1994 minutes were given to Board members. Motion by Mihalek…
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