1993 Minutes
Meeting Minutes December 7, 1993
DECEMBER 7, 1993 Regular meeting called to order at 8:00 P.M. Present Retzloff, Mihalek, Tetzner, Chapman and Leland Harvey. Absent Faulkner. Minutes of November 9, 1993 written copies were given to Board members. Motion by Mihalek and a second by Retzloff to accept. Motion carried. Meeting notice was properly posted in the Daily Press and…
Read MoreMeeting Minutes November 9, 1993
NOVEMBER 9, 1993 Public hearing called to order at 8:00 P.M. Notice was properly posted in Daily Press and notices were posted in three public places in the Town. Present Retzloff, Faulkner, Mihalek, Tetzner, and Chapman. Also Steve Schraufnagel. Reviewed gravel and blacktop plan for 1994. Discussed possibility of a Town one mill rate in…
Read MoreMeeting Minutes October 19, 1993
OCTOBER 19, 1993 Special meeting called to order at 8:05 P.M. Present Mihalek, Tetzner, and Retzloff. Absent Faulkner. Also Gerry Powers and Ed Pajala. Notice for meeting was properly posted in the Daily Press October 18 & 19. Discussed road name changes needed lo comply with County 911 system. Motion by Mihalek and a second…
Read MoreMeeting Minutes October 5, 1993
OCTOBER 5, 1993 Meeting called to order at 7:45 P.M. Present Retzloff, Mihalek, Faulkner, Tetzner, and Chapman. Meeting was properly posted in Oct. 4 & 5 Daily Press. Also present Esther Louko, Bob & Diane Brander, Bertha Talvitie, Ed Pajala, Carol Badura, and Sleve Schraufnagel. Written copies of 8-25 & 9-7-93 minutes were given to…
Read MoreMeeting Minutes September 7, 1993
SEPTEMBER 7, 1993 Regular meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. Present Retzloff, Mihalik, Faulkner, Tetzner and Chapman. Also Leland Harvey. Meeting notice was properly posted in Daily Press. Minutes in written form for August 2 and August 5 were given to Board Members. Motion by Mihalik and a second by Faulkner to accept. Motion…
Read MoreMeeting Minutes August 25, 1993
AUGUST 25, 1993 Special Town meeting called to order at 7:40 P.M. Present Retzloff, Mihalik, Faulkner, Tetzner, and Leland Harvey. Meeting was properly noticed in August 24, August 25 Daily Press. Reviewed progress on Town garage and Sioux River Bridge. Motion and a second to order two curb signs for Sioux River Bridge. Motion carried.…
Read MoreMeeting Minutes August 5, 1993
AUGUST 5, 1993 Regular Town Board meeting called to order at 8:00 P.M. Notice of meeting was properly posted in the Daily Press. Written copies of July 6, and July 19, 1993 minutes were presented to Board members. Motion by Mihalik and second by Faulkner to accept. Motion carried. Present Retzloff, Mihalik, Faulkner, Tetzner and…
Read MoreMeeting Minutes August 5, 1993
AUGUST 5, 1993 Special Town meeting called to order at 7:02 P.M. Present Retzloff, Mihalik, Faulkner, Tetzner , Ed & Bea Pajala, Don Haugen, Jim Miller, Steve Schraufnagel, and Dan Granger. Proof of notice ran in Press on July 19, and July 29, and August 5 . Steve Schraufnagel of C & S Design reported…
Read MoreMeeting Minutes August 2, 1993
AUGUST 2, 1993 Special Town Board bid opening meeting called to order at 7:03 P.M. Present Mihalik, Tetzner, Retzloff, and Faulkner. The meeting was properly noticed in the Daily Press. Joe Schol Jr. appeared concerning the snowmobile club requesting used culverts the Town has. He is to contact Leland Harvey to see what the Town…
Read MoreMeeting Minutes July 6, 1993
JULY 6, 1993 Regular meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. Present Retzloff, Mihalik, and Tetzner. Also Leland Harvey, Ed Pajala, Don Haugen, Steve Schraufnagel, Steve Bade and Melody Fleig. It was noted that proper posting of meeting was made in the Daily Press. Written copies of June 8 and June 17, 1993 minutes were…
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