Annual Meeting Minutes April 9, 2002
Meeting called to order at 7:00 P.M.
Minutes of April 10, 2001 were read. Motion by Steve Bade and a second by Charles Groves to accept. Motion carried.
Dick Mihalek reported on blacktop projects for this year. Wannebo Road, Ondossagon Road, and Town garage lot.
Steve Bade commented on S. Maple Hill Drive hill needing work. Motion by Bade and a second by Chuck Bodam to have Town Board to check into this further. Motion carried.
Clerk presented Town report and answered questions. Motion by Ed Pajala and a second by Charles Groves to accept. Motion carried.
Steve Bade presented road cleanup list for 2002. Also monitoring landfill site in Sec 29-49-5.
Motion by Miller and a second by Chapman that barrier be put up at landfill entrance. Motion carried.
Steve Bade reported on County Land Use Plan in progress.
Jim Miller brought up snowplowing private drives. Much discussion. Motion by Jim Miller and a second by Ed Pajala to continue snowplowing for private driveways and to draft policy that is financially solvent. Motion carried unanimously.
Steve Bade reported on Leafy Spurge, a noxious weed spreading in his area. Contact John Markus.
Roy Settgas would like Town to send agenda by e-mail.
Motion by Karen Bade and a second by Ron Michael to have next Annual meeting date one week from election at 7:00 P.M. April 8, 2003. Motion carried.
Charles Groves inquired on continuing ATV routes. There have been no objections, so will continue.
Motion and a second to adjourn.
Philip E.Tetzner, Clerk
People Present:
Bruce Hokanson Bea & Ed Pajala Dick Mihalek
Ken Ewer Philip E. Tetzner Ron Michael
Gary Maki Chuck Skoraczewski Donna Chapman
Robert Short Rey & John Pady Bob Godden
Bob Adams Steve & Karen Bade Roy Settgas
Donna Ganson Rob Ganson Betty Goszewski
DeMaris Westling Charles Groves Jim Steffenson
Jim & Kathryn Miller Kurt Kiehne Joyce Zifko
Terri Bahe Tom Siroin Jamie Cook
Dave Cook Shirley Haugen Bill Route
Chuck Bodam