Annual Meeting Minutes April 9, 1991


Meeting called to order at 7:05 P.M. by Timm Retzloff. Minutes of April 17, 1990 were read. There being no additions or corrections it was moved by Roy Settgas and seconded by Ed Pajala to accept as read. Motion carried.

Chairman Retzloff introduced Bill Pohlman as the new elected chairman.

Town annual report was handed out and comments made on several items. Motion by Pajala and a second by Settgas to accept Town report. Motion carried.

Timm reported on Sioux River Bridge project being in its final stages before actually replacing it. He gave its estimated cost at between 165 and 185 thousand. There will be a public hearing in May or June on this project.

Discussed handicapped access to Town hall building. Motion by Pajala and a second by Barb Bitzer that Town proceed with at least a study of this project, and report back to residents at a special meeting. Motion carried.

Discussed repairs to be made on County C. This is not a Town project, but residents could put some pressure on the County to get this done by petition or appearance before Highway Committee or County Board.

Discussed pond on Town land and possible dangers. Discussed possibility of gravel on federal land in the Vahalla area.

Motion by Barb Bitzer and a second by Dick Mihalik that next annual meeting date be Tuesday April 14, 1992 at 7:00 P.M. Motion carried.

Motion and a second to adjourn

Philip E. Tetzner, Clerk

People Present
Philip E. Tetzner
Timm & Kerri Retzloff
Ed & Bea Pajala
Donna Chapman
Bill Pohlman
Shirley Haugen
Roy Settgas
Dick Mihalik
Bob & Barb Bitzer
Donald Haugen
Leland Harvey
Jerry Flonnes