Annual Meeting Minutes April 18, 2023
April 18,2023
The Annual Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm. by Chair Sandy Raspotnik, at the Washburn Town Hall. Meeting notices were properly posted in the two public places, Website, and published in the Daily Press.
Minutes from April 18, 2023 were read and written copies given to Board Members. A motion by Kathleen Russell and a second by Kim Bro to accept the minutes as presented. Motion carried. All Ayes.
Sandy Raspotnik spoke on the improvements to the Town Hall. The roof reshingled, painting done inside, new voting booths, floor sanded and varnished through the ARPA money received.
Jim Park talked about the technology for the Town. The equipment for zoom meetings, the OWL, internet service provided by Bayfield wireless. The knew fiber optic lines are being put in this summer by Norvado on the South side of the Town.
Scottie Sandstrom spoke on the update of roads. The South Maple Hill, west of Church Corner Road, Black topping and gravel put down on the road from the LRIP grant. FR 500, the rock, and gravel put on from a grant from the Forestry. The road is completed on South Maple Hill, east of Church Corner Road. He spoke on the BIL grant we received for the Wannebo Road from Ondossagon Road to Chequamegon Heights Road.
Kim Bro spoke on the Comprehensive Plan being updated for the Towns plan and the County’s plan. Still work in progress. He also talked about the Landfill needs.
A motion by Sandy Rasponik and a second by Scottie Sandstrom to have next year’s Annual Meeting on April 16, 2024. Motion carried. All Ayes.
A motion by Jim Park and a second by Kim Bro to adjourn. Motion carried. All Ayes.
Kerry Tetzner, Clerk
People present:
Kerry Tetzner Sandy Raspotnik Jim Park Scottie Sandstrom
Patsy Tetzner Jim Miller Mike Harvey Cheryl Sandstrom
Steve Bade Signa Groves Wendy Stein Caroline Twombly
Lance Twombly Kathleen Russell Chuck Groves Ruth Hartzell
John Hartzell Kim Bro