Annual Meeting Minutes April 14, 2009

 April 14, 2009


               Annual Meeting called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Kerry Tetzner. Meeting notices were posted in the three public places in the Town and published in the Daily Press.

               Minutes of the April 8, 2008 were read. Motion by Bruce Hokanson and a second by John Hartzell to accept minutes as read. Motion carried with all aye votes.

               Chairman Kerry Tetzner reported on new purchase in the past year, Tandum Dump Truck and culvert steamer with trailer.  

               Passed roster for road cleanup in 2009.

               Talked about new projects for this year, building a salt shed, work on Engoe Road and Blacktop patching and wedgeing.

               Also talked about Stimulus money available for Town Roads. Roads on the list are: Church Corner Road, Ondossagon Road and Wannebo Road in Town of Washburn. There are about five miles in our Town and four miles in theTown of Barksdale for a joint effort. Chances of getting this stimulus money are slim, but we have applied.

               Motion by Bruce Hokanson and a  second by Donna Chapman to have next Annual meeting on Tuesday after election at 7:00 P.M. Motion carried.

               Motion by Jim Deeth and a second by Kurt Kiehne to adjourn. Motion carried.



Philip E. Tetzner, Clerk


People Present:

Ron Micheals                                   Jim Deeth                          Joe Scholl                           Kurt Kiehne

Mark Morey                                    Cathy Morey                     John Hartzell                     Bruce Hokanson          

Elizabeth Tetzner                            Kerry Tetzner                    Steven Tetzner                 Donna Chapman

Ruth Hartzell                                    Philip Tetzner                   John Teschner